
Comes in two varieties: basic stop info included in the response to shuttles/routes/ and full stop info returned by shuttles/routes/:route and shuttles/routes/:route/stops/:stop. Basic stop info is just a subset of the fields below — it lacks predictions or the schedule.

Field Type Description
id String

The stop’s unique id.

"id": "amhewads"

From routeConfig feed -> //route[]/@tag

url String

The URL for this resource.

"url": ""
title String

Human-readable name for the stop.

"title": "Amherst St at Wadsworth St"
stop_number String

Identifier for this stop across multiple routes.

Can be used to fetch predictions for all routes going through a stop.

"stop_number": "07"
lat Double

Latitude of the stop.

"lat": 42.361272
lon Double

Longitude of the stop.

"lon": -71.0843897
predictions Array of Predictions

The next several predicted arrival/departure times for the stop. Can be matched with a particular Vehicle via vehicle_id.

"predictions": [
        "vehicle_id": "1600",
        "timestamp": 1361478900,
        "seconds": 124
predictions_url String

The URL for getting predictions for all routes passing through this stop.

"predictions_url": ""
route_id String

The id of the route that this stop belongs to.

"route_id": "tech"
route_url String

The URL for this route.

"route_url": ""


Field Type Description
vehicle_id String

The unique id of the vehicle being predicted.

"vehicle_id": "1600"
timestamp Integer

When the vehicle is expected to arrive/depart the stop, measured in seconds after the Unix epoch (January 1st, 1970).

"timestamp": 1361478900
seconds Integer

When the vehicle is expected to arrive/depart the stop in seconds after the request was made.

"seconds": 124